Friday, February 13, 2009

Picture Tag

I guess I have been picture tagged.

This photo is of my oldest daughter, Ashley 14 months old with our dog Laddie. This picture of our dog Laddie is before photo; before he got REALLY sick and we found out he had diabetics. We adopted Laddie from a tragedy (homicide) of a nearby neighbor who died. The cops were looking for a home for the dog and we took him in. We would see Laddie and his owner go on walks all lot and liked how he behaved with kids and nobody wanted him, so he became ours. He was the BEST dog I’ve had, before he got sick. He was 25lbs over weight when we got him, and he lost about 28 lbs being sick. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The worst type to have, the type we had to give him insulin shots twice a day. That became VERY expensive and he was still going downhill slowly . We just had to put him down when it got to the point he just wasn't eating anymore. Our kids still talk about him and still tell people our dog died (2yrs ago)

It's amazing how are children grow. Ashley was very adorable, a little chubbier then. She was running around by 12 months with VERY high energy and it hasn't stopped. I miss that little baby, but not about potty training part. I don't miss that one bit.

* Picture tag rules *

Go in your photo folder and click on your fifth folder and scroll down and click on you fifth photo in that folder and tell a little story about that photo.


charisse said...

I'm just seeing if this will go through.

Rebeca said...

Awww.... so fun to remember, isn't it! She was, and is, a little cutie!

Sheri said...

I am really enjoying the picture tag. Very sweet picture. And very sad story.