Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's New in our Lives

There has been so much going on in the McNeil house hold. I thought to share all the latest things in our life.

First Big item, we got a new car a Subaru Forrester "04" with turbo engine in it. It's John's everyday work vehicle. We needed something newer and something that had less miles on it to last. John's going to go through all lot of miles on it, as he travels more now, and we needed something really reliable too. So, Thanksgiving weekend, we traveled for an hour to go look at this vehicle, saw it on crag's list, and really liked it.

Next big Item,

We got John's office built in the garage and he's finally getting it organized. It's a little cold right now it there. No heat, just a propane heater to help take the chill out. Soon we will put heating/AC unit in it, but it's not to important since he's gone 80% of the time travel around town or out of town to clients.

Next Big Item,

I finally got the girls room changed from baby room to a bigger girls room. Butterflies, and flowers is their theme now.

Next Big Item,

John and I re-range our living room, and got rid of our entertainment center and bought two book shelves and we couple of months ago bought ourselves a flat screen T.V. We needed to make more space in our living room and this was what we decided to do. Our re-ranging living room is still in progress.

Next Big Item,

I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago, the shortest I've ever done. I'm starting to get used to it and love it.

Next Big Item,

A week ago we went and bought me my own snowboard set-up for an AWESOME price. We have been renting every year for me at a ski shop and Finally I can own my own set-up. John has own his own set-up since before we got married. Now we just only have to rent for the girls. We plan on taking Ashley this year and teaching her to snowboard finally. She was to young last year for a snowboard and this year she wants to learn and I can get help from John more on teaching too.

Yes, we have been busy on changing things in our home lately and some of it will slow down since we are crossing things down on our to do list for house projects.


Rebeca said...

Wow, you have been busy! The house projects look great, and your hair is really cute too! Hope to see you soon! Rebeca

H0MEFree said...

I like the hair cut! Shorter is easier.

We have been doing some house-y stuff too. With my husband being out of work, he has been tearing everything "apart" and such doing projects. It is kind of nice!

~ K
